Monday, December 12, 2011

Tricks that will help you with your Memory

People say that a mind is a terrible thing to waste, and they hit the nail right on the head with that catchy little slogan, because, to put it bluntly, once the mind is gone, so too is the person. Check out these great memory tips to improve one of your most precious gifts, your mind.

Learn how to use mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices can be the association of a concept with a familiar object or remember acronyms or rhymes. Create your own mnemonic devices: you need to make sure they are meaningful and that you will remember what you associated the information with later on.

In order to remember important things, you may want to enlist the help of family or friends who have good memories. Tell them the important information you want to remember, so that you can ask them at a later date to remind you of this information. Just do not rely on someone else who has a bad memory!

If you have difficulty remembering names when you meet someone new, mentally associate the person with someone you know already with the same name. You can also make the mental association with someone famous. By making the connection with the new face and a familiar name, the next time you encounter the new individual, the link should readily come to your mind.

If you are looking to improve your memory a little bit, then use the knowledge that you have by teaching others. Doing this makes your brain fire in a different way, and it helps in increasing memory. The trick is to teach something that you are genuinely interested in sharing.

Make no mistake about it -- your ability to remember is a tremendous gift. Most people will never realize just how vital their memory is until they begin to lose it. You should never have to allow your memory to lapse. Pay attention to the tips in the article and you can work on repairing and improving your memory.

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