A lot of the information we learn is very close to information we already know, so improving your memory can be as simple as playing an association game. Make sure that anything new you're attempting to learn can tie in with someone you already know, and you will develop smooth transitions between one piece of material and the next.
Maintaining an active and engaged social life is critical to keeping your memory sharp. The more socially active you are, the more slowly your memory will decline as you age. Spend time with your friends and family and make sure you engage in conversation with people on a regular basis.
Your sense of smell can be a powerful memory aide. It is hardwired directly to the brain. Study with something that smells a certain way (a special perfume for instance)in the room. When the big test day comes, reintroduce the smell and you will reintroduce the memory too.
Keep a diary or calendar for appointments. This is extremely helpful in remembering important dates or events. Be consistent with it and keep it in the same place all the time. You should look at it every day to update it and to make sure there isn't anything you are forgetting.
If your aging parents are showing signs of becoming more forgetful, watch for signs of dementia. Some forms of dementia are treatable or even reversible if caught in the early stages. In addition to memory loss, look for signs of impaired judgment, disorientation, lack of personal hygiene, a decline in reasoning and communication skills, and agitation or paranoia. If you notice any of these signs, make sure your loved one sees a physician right away.
A great way to help you improve your memory is to start taking alternative driving routes. Taking different routes will keep your mind active by keeping you guessing and alert. Keeping your mind active like this can go a long way in improving your ability to remember things.
As mentioned in the start of this article, memory is a key component in aging. Following the tips in this article will help give your brain a workout. Memory and brain function isn't as mysterious as it used to be and following these tips daily you will surprise yourself at how much you will be able to improve your memory.
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