Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tricks and Tips to improve your memory

Memory is one of the things we take for granted in life, until we begin to lose it. Many degenerative diseases can take hold of us and seize our ability to do one of the most basic actions in life: remember. This article provides some tips and tricks to coping with memory loss and help improve your memory.

Use visualization techniques to retain into memory items which you are studying. Pay special attention to any charts and graphics which are in your textbook as these are easier to bring to mind than words. If your books do not have graphics in them, create your own and remember these instead.

A great tip for improving your memory is to try to associate a smell with something you need to remember. This is important because smells are one of the best ways to trigger a memory. Use distinct smells, either good or bad smelling and make sure you only have contact with them whenever you are doing something related to that memory.

If you are having a hard time remembering things, you may want to put information with a picture. For instance, say you want to remember where a certain store is and there is a big oak tree in front of me, tell your mind to think of the oak tree.

If you are wanting to remember something new, say it! Any new material that you want to remember should be read aloud. When you read words out loud, you form a memory pathway through two of your senses, sight and hearing. This gives two paths of retrieval when you want to recall this information at a future date.

To successfully remember information, you need to give it your complete and undivided attention. For information to move out of your short-term memory and into your long-term memory, you need to be carefully attending to it. Be sure that you read and study in a quiet place without any other distractions.

Eat more foods with flavonoids. Foods with flavonoids will help to keep your memory from deteriorating. This includes foods like, grapes, berries, tea leaves, cocoa beans and hops. These flavonoids will encourage the growth of new neurons in the brain and increase blood flow. This will help you to better remember new things and retain that information.

Whether you have a memory loss disorder, have suffered an accident, or are dealing with Alzheimer's, losing the ability to remember simple things is difficult. Hopefully this article has provided some helpful and thoughtful insight to help you not only cope with memory loss, but also assist you in re-gaining memory.

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